Martin Brossman
EVOCATIVE, ENLIGHTENING, ENTERTAINING SPEAKERCaptivating Keynotes and Customized Training
Martin Brossman Speaks
Martin Brossman energizes his audiences by captivating them, challenging them, entertaining and inspiring them. He has a joyful passionate spirit that continually seeks to grow, to understand, to make a difference. Not a small difference, we’re talking about a huge difference, a life changing difference in the people he connects with.
He has deep knowledge of the corporate world, the self-employed cosmos, and the blue-collar workers realm. He connects with college students through C-class executives. He’s been a leader in online education in the state of North Carolina, teaching many thousands the power of the Internet. As a coach he’s developed his expertise in human relations, collaboration, overcoming limitations, and he challenges and motivates people to step into their discomfort and grow.
Martin Brossman energizes audiences, makes them think, and gets them talking as they implement new strategies and techniques.
My vision is the success of your mission. I am dedicated to providing the information you need delivered in a way that will be heard and acted upon.
-Martin Brossman
Targeting Today’s Trends
Professional Development
If you are looking for a compelling presentation that dives deeper than over-used motivational themes, you’ll want to consider Martin’s popular Professional Development topics:
- Be Unstoppable! Discover how to transform failures into opportunities and limitations into resources.
- Embracing Conflict Transforming conflict into enhanced relationships in business
- Enhancing Core Confidence Real-world tested techniques to strengthen your core self-esteem
- Instant Humor–Just Add Life! How to Appropriately Use Humor in the Workplace to Enhance Productivity
Reputation Enhancement
Now that our digital presence is so valuable yet vulnerable, we need to arm ourselves with knowledge to build and protect our online reputation. Martin presents professional methods for amplifying a positive business persona in a choice of timely talks, including:
- Your Reputation is on the Line Tools and actions you can easily implement for monitoring, enhancing, and managing a reputation online
- We Are the New Media! A grass roots approach for promoting your group, town, community and association without a marketing budget
- Beyond Ordinary Networking How to create an active network on the ground and online that will support the growth of your business far into the future
- The Keys to Strategic Relationship Marketing Discover how to maximize your social media and online presence
Social Technology
It’s hard to keep up with the changing social media landscape, and definitely daunting to imagine what the future of our computerized society might be. Let Martin paint a realistic picture for you in his easy-to-understand presentations, featuring:
- Ready for Artificial Intelligence? What you need to know about AI and Machine Learning as a professional today
– Learn more - AI Foundations: Understanding and Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life AI for Professionals Series: An Introduction to AI Chatbots and Large Language Models.
– Learn more
- Enhance Your Professional Career & Your Company with LinkedIn What to post, how to respond, how to connect to people in appropriate ways
- Understanding Your Digital Shadow & First Impression Online Maintaining your on- the-ground reputation as well as your online one in a safe and responsible way
- Effective Social Platforms for Professionals A working knowledge of the key social media platforms
About Martin Brossman
Martin Brossman is a dynamic trainer known for his insight and humor.
Martin is a success coach and marketing consultant who brings a broad knowledge of the ground game tied with online strategies. A member of the National Speakers Bureau, Martin is a popular speaker on social media and digital marketing topics. He teaches at NC State University Office of Professional Development Technology Training, North Carolina community college Small Business Centers and Chamber of Commerce venues throughout the state.
Martin offers customized presentations for professional organizations and corporate events.
Praise from former students and presentation attendees.

“As an older Millenial I felt like I had a decent handle on social media, but after Martin’s fantastic presentation I realized I’m way behind the 8-ball. Not only did his material give a great overview of all the confusing social media outlets out there, but his enthusiasm and energy had me ready to hit the ground running with some fresh new ideas once I got back to the office! He’s extremely engaging as a speaker–no easy task when speaking to a packed room full of accountants!“

“No one in the country is more committed to micro and small business success than Martin. He “walks the talk” in helping people improve. He provides both incidental tips as well as in-depth advice around Digital Marketing and Reputational Management to businesses throughout North Carolina and in his original hometown area of Washington, DC. Businesses that follow his advice see more success, often very quickly.“

“Martin Brossman is a dynamic and engaging speaker with powerful insights to today’s technology solutions. Although I am a seasoned marketing professional, I sat on the edge of my seat for 14 weeks to hear his thoughts and approach to social media marketing management. He delivers a practical, no-nonsense approach to providing solutions in today’s fast paced and evolving digital world. As the information revolution besieges us with emails, spam, blogs, posts, etc. it’s important to know who and what to follow. Context is King which is why I follow and read @MartinBrossman. “

News / Articles
Humor in the Workplace – Lessons learned from taking humor to cancer patients
Humor in the Workplace Humor to me is much more than telling a silly joke. It's about a state of being, an attitude of looking for humor and joy in things. It's about realizing that you can create humor and joy in just about any context. I learned this...
Schedule Martin Brossman Today!
(919) 847-4757